About Micheal
I have had a varied career since leaving School, including working at the Atomic weapons research establishment in Berkshire for several years before taking what I thought was a temporary job in the motor trade which lasted almost ten years. I then trained as a private Chiropodist in Paisley,Scotland and after I qualified I bought an existing practice in Newcastle's West end where I worked for another ten years before going mobile and doing domiciliary work in and around the Newcastle area. Starting out in complementary therapies was a huge massive change, to what l had been doing, but l felt guided and just went with the flow.
My background in therapies began in 1987 when I became interested in Reflexology. The concept that one part of the body corresponds to an area of the foot or hand and by stimulating that area on the foot or hand using a compression technique called thumb walking could cause a reaction and initiate the body's own natural healing into those areas, l found it incredible. More so when you consider this ability and practice goes back almost 5000 years with origins in China and Egypt as well as being used by native American Indians.
In 1988 l started a course in hypnotherapy which awakened me further to the potential of the mind, and how it could influence the body. As part of this two year course I took two optional modules, past life regression and Sound therapy. Little did I know at the time that I would be able to fully utilise these skills years later when I became interested in Gongs and sound healing.
In 1999 I started work in Further education initially providing one evening class each week at Northumberland college. Although I had no teaching qualifications at that time the college put me through a basic teaching qualification and assessors course, later a certificate in education and years later when l was employed as a fractional member of staff working two and a half days each week they encouraged me to do my BA in education and learning.
From my teenage years I was interested in martial arts which is the opposite side of the coin to energy healing. My first taste of martial arts was a class I found at Whitley bay which taught Tai Chi, but emphasised the defence and attack of each move. as well as the healing and wellbeing aspect. Years later I joined another Tai Chi class which also included Qigong and although the class was short lived it left me addicted to Qigongs simplicity, and effectiveness as a moving and static meditation, which l still practice to this day. Many years later I completed a training course to teach Qigong.
Other therapies that caught my imagination over the years were Indian head massage with its chakra balancing to the upper chakras, using nothing more than a form of palm healing, Intent and our own internal energy.
Using my own internal energy directed through my palms seemed so natural and simple. When I came across Reiki I was even more blown away. The concept of an endless supply of universal energy from the Creator of all things and being freely available to those who have been awoken by the Reiki attunements was an instant hit with me.
From the first Reiki course I continued with my Qigong as well as the martial art Kung Fu . There is a crossover between the healing and martial arts and working with energy systems can benefit both. I gradually achieved my Master Teacher level.
As always fate intervened and directed my attention to Crystal therapy which I completed with one of my daughters who still practices on friends and family. In between this period l was also kept busy developing my academic qualifications.
This takes me to my final chapter, and after many years of trying they succeeded in pointing me in the direction of Sound therapy for a second time, and in particular the world of Gongs. My life is now firmly centred around Gong and Sound Baths. A few tears ago I discovered several methods of merging different healing energies together in one session using Spiritual Intent, creative visualisation and Crystals.
Today l have twelve different types of Gong and Sound Baths, and my therapeutic playing of instruments now include, Didgeridoo, Traditional Native American Flute, Drums, Wind chimes. Singing bowls, and bells.
My mission is to promote Sound and Gong Baths, and provide the Best experience possible.
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